E7 Environmental Operations

Promotes UN‘s Sustainable Development Goals Life below water

Environmental and Resource Policy

Reykjavik Energy Group works in accordance with an Environmental and Resource Policy, which marks its commitment to steadily improve the Group's performance on environmental issues. The policy is based on six principles which apply to all operating units: The climate and climate crisis, responsible resource management, serviceability which provides access to the Group’s utilities, impact of emissions from its operations, impact on the community, and the Group's activities. Key factors include the protection of potable water, sustainable utilisation of resources, carbon neutrality by 2030, and a light carbon footprint in its operations and activities. In everyday operations, emphasis is placed on effectively utilising energy and resources, in collaboration with suppliers and contractors. The policy forms the basis for effective partnership with stakeholders.

The Group has defined significant environmental factors based on the principles stated in the Environmental and Resource Policy. New objectives have been established and defined for the handling of emissions and capture of carbon dioxide, responsible consumption, and energy switching in the transport sector.

The operations of Reykjavik Energy Group are not certified in accordance with a formal energy management system.

Responsible waste management

Greenhouse gas emissions from landfills have increased from 2015.

The percentage of waste from wastewater treatment plants amounts to the highest proportion, or approximately 60% of the total volume of landfill waste. The scope for controlling this type of waste is limited, as it is produced by the public and the business community in the utility area. Veitur Utilities launched an advertising campaign to highlight the damage, caused by wet wipes and other garbage that can wreak havoc on the sewerage system. Furthermore, the aim is to better utilise sludge and fat.

The volume of other waste either increased or decreased. The appendices show how waste is divided into waste categories, work sites, and municipalities.

Waste management at Reykjavik Energy Group 2015-2020